
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Penguins in northern lights

Hi everybody.

Helen here to give you my last blog post for this year.
As I just made one Christmas card to show you I thought I should make a New Year card this time. 
I LOVE this stamp, Christmas penguins from Stamping Bella.
And I wanted to make a scene with fireworks, and in a way as natural as possable, so I thought "what about northern lights"?
And as I post this I see thas Cicci made one in her last post, so now you have some different ways to colour!

I stamped my image on Perfect Coloring Paper and used Memento Ink.

I sketched in my scene with C0.

Started with the sky, used B91 which will be my brightest blue in the sky. And I placed the color along the horizon line as I want some glow from a twilight.

Then I got in with the northern lights colours, YG21 - V04, and I used BV00 in the top of the paper but it didn´t get the effect I wanted.

Went in with B93 on top of BV00 and used flick marks to have thin lines and started to blend the blues together in the sky. As I went over both V04 and YG21 they turned out to just the lilac and green I wanted.

Darkend the sky even ´more used B95 in the top and B93 in the horizon line.

Went back to the northern lights colors and filled them in once more and added some YG23 for a vigorous green shade.

For the darkest sky I used B97 and that really made the northern lights to pop.
And as you can see my blending between the dark B97 and a lighter blue, B93 gave me those dots, as it does when you go over a dark color with a lighter and bleach the darker one.
Here you might think that I ruined my colouring.
But I see it as it works with me.
If you look at photos of northern lights you will see thousands and thousands of stars and I see these dots as stars in a layer that makes them to be far, far away.

Started to colour the snow used BG70 - BG11 - BG10.
The ice in the distanse got some C0 - C1 - C3.

In front of the image I put down some B21 - B41 - B45

The penguins are coloured with C3 - C5 - C7 - C9 - B24.

I didn´t know that the penguins are white/grey on the inside of their wings, now I do!

And the beak and the flippers are black and not orange that we often goes to.

 The bellies on the penguins got BG70 - C0 - C3, and the larger penguin got some Y11 - Y17 on his chest and YR09 on the beak.
The bells got Y32 - YR21 - YR24.

To be able to see northern lights you need a cloudless sky. Snow falls from clouds, and as there are no clouds there will not fall any snow!
But there will be stars! A lot of them. And you´ll see the stars in the northern lights as well.

I extended the path so the penguins came down the hill in the background jingled the bells.

So, here is my penguins in the new years evening with some natural fireworks.

I wish you all the Happiest New Year 
and will see you next year I hope.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Cicci makes a colorful sky

 Hi COPIC lovers

Just a few days before christmas and here in Sweden we have lot of snow. Nice to be inside with my markers:) 

Step 1

Make a sketch for you northern light and a some christmas theres forward the sky 

Step 2 
I started with B99 and then I adderade lines on the lines with B39 and then V09

Step 3
I make lines over the other colors with V04 and V09 

Step 4

Time for Y02  BG10 and some YG03
Also I added BG10 morr of V09 V04 and a lot of B99

 Step 5
Add more of the dark colors B39 and B99 
then I started to blend with YG17
Blend with YG03 

Step 6 
Here Im going to work with the blending a lot 
Add YG17 blend with YG03 Y02

Step 7
Add G28 and blend with YG03

Step 8 
Time to make some Forrest I used V09

Step 9 
Add more of the dark markers and blend with YG03 Y02 
I made some more theees here with RV69
Added also Y1 !and blend with Y08
For this coloring I have used this markers above over and over again and blend over and over again !!
At the end I hade added lots of dots with A posca pen and some strokes over the coloring with a white sakura gel pen. 


Thank you for watching and have a wonderful christmas!!

Lots of HUGS and SMILES 


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Furry Christmas Bears

Hi Everyone, it's Rosi here :) Today, I'm sharing a Tutorial on how I colour Fur.
I've chosen to color a stamp by Lili of the valley Noel Teds
I'm going to show you 3 ways of fur coloring.

First I covered the whole of the image which would be textured fur
with the colorcombo starting with my lightest color to my darkest color and then the opposite - from dark to light.

My color combo for bears 1 and 3 from left to right is E0000, 30, 31, 33, 37.

Color combo for bears 2 and 4 W0, 2, 3 ,5.

Color combo for bear 5 is E50, 51, 53, 55, 57.

At last I alter the coloured teddy's fur: Therefore I need the blender marker and a piece of rough microfiber cloth or some other textured fabric.
I'll do this to bears 2 and 5.

I apply some blender fluid to the cloth and press it onto the coloured fur. Depending on the amount of the blender and long the contact with the paper is you'll reach different effect on the fur's structure. You need some exercise to predict the result.

Second way to color fur is adding dots to the colored image. I made the first one and the third one this way. I'm starting with the darkest colour I've used doing further in the middle of the image from dark to light.

The last one i called longhair bear. Again from dark to light with strokes exactly the way i usually color hair on my images.

The hats are colored with R20, 22, 24, 27 and R29. The holly leaves - G21, 43, 94, 99.

So that's all from me today.
Which furry bear do you like the most?

Until next time