
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Cicci Colors Wild Strawberry

Hi COPIC lovers !!

Cicci here posting from Sweden. Today I make a post with wild strawberry.

COPIC combo

Wild strawberry YR04 R24 R27 R29 R39
Leaves G40 G43 G46
Dots Y00 B000 B00 V15 RV06 RV02

Step 1
First I made a small sketch. When you color with COPICs on a smaller sketch, you have to pint carefully with the dark markers. So you dont get to much dark colors on the parts that you want to be lighter.

Step 2
Start with R39

Add R29 and blend with YR04

Step 3
Add R29 and blend with E27

Step 4
Add R39 again and blend with R24

Go over with all the colors again about 2-3 times and you have your wild strawberries ready!!
I added some flowers and some highlights with a white gel pen

Lots of hugs and Smiles
Welcome to visit us here at the COPIC Europe blog anytime

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