
Thursday, May 5, 2016

a lot of butterflies

Hi everybody.

 I just love the spring and summer, especially the warmth of the sun, flowers and butterflies.
So today I have a card with butterflies and magnolia flowers for you.

I've used a lot of different Markers for this project
For the blue green butterfly: B66-B69-B99, YG03, E55-E57

For the red butterfly: E09-R05-08 and E33-E35

For upper butterfly: YR04-YR07-YR09 and E33
For the bottom butterfly: R59-YR12-YR15-YR18

For this butterfly: Y11-Y15-Y17-Y38, YR07 and YR07

For this blue butterfly: B04-06-B99

 And of course the colours for the magnolias:

and Y03-G14-YG67Background: B0000-B000-B00

The butterflies and flower stamps are from the brand Studio Light.

Have a wonderful and creative day,
