
Sunday, July 28, 2024


Hi there.
Helen here today.

A while ago I stumbled over some stamps on Facebook.
It was Whiff of Joy´s Henry Celebrating Mouse Stamp and now I´ve made some cards with the image.

As always, I stamped the image on Perfect Colouring Paper using Memento Ink Pad.

I started with the cheeks and ears, because I wanted to fade the pink and the gray with each other.

Started with the lightest shade for the tummy.

I wanted some shadow from the cupcake on his tummy and
shadow on the lower tummy makes the roundness.

I wanted the light to hit his knees, and darker areas between the legs, under the knees,
under his upper leg/arm, under the jaw and on the underside of the tail.

Started to colour the cupcake by a first layer with the lightest shade.

Wanted the light to hit the front of the cupcake and some shadows from the icing on the cupcake.

Started with the darker shades first for the flame.

Working me trough the flame.

I wanted high contrast in the icing so it feels like the flame light up the icing.
And I added some yellow shades for the highlight areas.

A shadow beneath him will ground him.

Cheeks, ears, tail and nose: R0000 - R00 - R02 - Y000
Tummy: E40 - E41 - E43
Furr: T0 - T1 - T3
Cupcake: E31 - E37 - E35 - E33
Flame: R05 - YR14  - Y15 - B0000
Candle: BG11 - BG15
Icing: RV0000 - RV000 - R81 -R85 - Y000
Sprinkles: BV11 - BV13, Y15 - YR14
Shadow: W0 - W1 - W3

Hope I  inspired you to make some birthday cards today.

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