
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Nuts About You!

Hello everyone.

Helen here!
Today I will show you an image from the Greeting Farm and it is from a stamp set called Forest friends.

I stamped the image on Perfect Colouring Paper with my black Memento ink pad.

My first  coat for the squirrels isYR09 and I cover the whole area where the squirrels should be reddish brown.

Then I went for my shadow color, the darkest, E19.

My midtone wasE08.

And then I went over it once again with YR09 to smoothen it all out.

For the hat of the acorn I used E81-E84.

And the shadow color is E87.

For the white part of the squirrels, I started with W0.

Then I got in with W3 for the darkest colour.

W1 is my midtone. And R11 for cheeks.

Fot the acorn I used E33-E37-E35.
And I sketched in the tree with a light grey.

I starded with the lightest colour for the tree, E31, and the grass, YG03.
I don´t bother to get the colouring even, I know it will be a lot of layers in top of this first one.

With E31 I tried to make a pattern for the cortex. I tried to get some asymmetric rectangles but I wasn´t happy with what I got. But I let it be and strarted to work on top of the result I got.

Instead I got in with my E25 and scribbled in some vertical lines. I varied the pressure on the nib to get both thin and thicker lines. Don´t  overthink this moment, just scribbel on but try to not get an even pattern.

The grass got layers of YG25-YG17, and the sky got a layer of B000.

To darken it all upp the tree got a layer of E29 and E49. 
On the grass I used YG67-YG99.
The sky got B00.
And for the flowers R11.

 Hope you liked this post. 
And please, let us see some woodwork on the Copic Marker Europe Facebook page.

Please. follow me on Instagram, Hellenbell.


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