
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Little Mermaid Manga Version

The little mermaid is one of my favorite Disney characters and I wanted to play it manga version, because it reminds me of summer and the sea.

I hope you like it.

As always I use Copic Multiliners to draw.

E000 for the base of the complexion.

E00 and R20 to complete the complexion and begin the base of the lips.

I use R20 again and add RV14 to complete the lips.

YG41, BG15, BG23 and BG05 to color the eyes.
C-1 for the shadow.

W-7 and E71 for eyelash coloring.

R22 for the hair base.

R35, R46 and R59 to complete hair.

BV000, BV02 and V17 for the top.

G00 for the base of the tail.

BG23, BG05 and B97 to complete the tail of the little mermaid.

I thought I'd make a background by drawing waves.
I used B000, B32 and B45.

Here's the completed drawing.

See you next month!!!

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