
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Cicci Color a Eye

 Hi Copic Lovers

Cicci here posting. Lovely days here in Sweden. Lots of sun and blue sky every day !!

Today Im going to color a little eye.

Step 1

Draw a eye

Step 2
Add a dark blue in the middle of the eye 
Dont use black because the blue bring more 
live to the eye

Step 3
Make some strokes with some light copic  
I have used YG0000
You can use an other light Copic from the 
yellow family or YG family if
 you dont have this one
Here I just want to capture
color from the blue and draw out to small lines
and therefore I uses a light Copic.

Step 4 
Add BG45 

Step 5
Add BG02 BG000
Blend wtin BG000

Step 6
Add more B39 over the eye

Step 7
Add B93

Step 8 
Add B37

Step 9
Blend with BG02

Step 10
Color with BV21  in the whites parts of the eye and 
use BV21 also to make a line over the eye

Step 11
Add B60 over at BV21

Step 12
Add E15

Step 13
Add E49

Step 14
Add E08

Step 15
Add E 93 and blend with that one as well

Step 16
Blend again with YR00

Step 17
Add E51 and blend.

Step 18
Add some dots with a white gele pen


Have a wonderful day and see you soon

Lots of Hugs and Smiles


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