
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Fluffy Hats

Hi Everyone, it's Faye here today :)

On behalf of all the Copic Marker Europe Girls... Happy New Year! We wish you every happiness for 2019.

Last month I showed how I colour Northern Skies and a lot of you asked how I did the hat, so I thought I'd show you. 

I have used the same Gerda Steiner stamp; Long Time No See. I still have a soft spot for him ;)

Ready? Let's go...

I've coloured the penguin already

I'm starting to lay down the colour dark to light. Sometimes it can be a little intimidating to lay a dark colour down first, so I am planning what I will do with the dark colour with one of the medium ones, in this case, R37

Go over the planning with R39. Because there is some ink laid down already, this will allow the darker colour to blend more easily

Pull the colour out into the white space with R37

Extend the colour further into the white space with R35

Finish the area with R43

At this point I change the way I am laying the ink and go from light to dark. But, no smooth blending, dab lots of little, but variously sized dots all over the hat and pom pom

Repeat with R35, but don't lay down so much ink. Only lay a small amount of this colour on the lighter areas

Next is R37, laying less ink than when you used R35, this time avoiding the lightest areas

Lay a small amount of R39 on the darkest areas of the hat

Finally, add some RV69, but be stingy with this colour and only in the very darkest areas.

Job done!

Copics Used...
Beak/ Flippers; Y35, Y38, YR04
Tummy; C00, C0, C1, E50, B000
Body; V17, V09, BV08
Hat; R43, R35, R37, R39, RV69

Thanks so much for stopping by... Have a great day.

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