
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Colouring A Strawberry

Hi Friends.
Cicci here today, showing you a step by step tutorial about coloring strawberries.

Copic Markers Used:

Strawberry: YR07 R35 14 C03 R29
Leaves; G43 40 49 Y02 G29
Skin: E50 51 53 04 R20 E92
Dress: BG72 78 09 B000 B34 37 39
Hair: E70 71 77 79 E19
Grass: YG03 06 00 G29
Wings: B000 00 RV00 RV000 Y00 E43
I also use a White Sakura Gel Pen.

I have used an image from Mo Manning, called Berry Fairy Aliz

Step 1 
I start to colour with YR07, over almost the whole strawberry, leaving some white areas.

Step 2 
Add some C3 for shadows.

Step 3 
Add R14 over YR07.

Step 4 
Add R35 over the same area.

Step 5 
Now I blend out all the colours with YR07.

Step 6 
Here I colour and blend with Y21 over the whole area.

 Step 7 
Blend with the YR07 again over the whole Strawberry.

 Step 8
Add and blend some R35 on the top and lower side of the strawberry. I don't colour in the middle.

Step 9 
Here I have added small circles around the seeds with R29 and after that I have blend over the whole strawberry with YR07.

Step 10
Blend with Y21 over the whole strawberry.

Step 11
I make some small dots into the seeds with a white gel pen.

After that I just continue to add some white colour with the 
gel pen.


Heres another Strawberry I have coloured
I draw this and then coloured with copic Markers
The only different with this is that I I coloured the Seed with YR23 and E19

Big Smiles and Hugs from Copic Europa!!

 See you next Month 



  1. Thank you ladies!! Nice to see you here at the Copic Europa blog!! HUGS Cicci

  2. looks good enough to eat! fabulous!

  3. Thank you Susan!!! Im happy that you visit us here at Copic Europa and hope to see you again soon over Here;0)) Cicci ;0)
