
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Tutorial, how to colour classic shojo manga style with Copics, by Suki Manga Art

Dear Copic friends, today we have a new manga tutorial!!!  \(^O^)/

 I will show you step by step how to colour a classic shojo  manga style girl.

This is a very easy and detailed description about the process, I hope you enjoy it!

This is final result after complete this tutorial, I hope you like it ^__^

First of all I start coloring the skin

1)  E000 for the clearer areas of the skin. You do not need to cover all the area of the paper

2) E00 to add light shadows.

3) I used RV10 on cheeks to add blush and make up

4) Apply the shadows of the skin with E21 for the darkest areas

5) I used RV24 as lipstick

6) R25 to colour the dress

7) RV95 to add shadows on the clothes

8) I choose BV13 to colour these little grapes

9) and BV08 to add volume to them

10) YG06 for the leafs

11) and G17 for the shadows of the leafs

12) Next step is to colour the base of a blonde hair with Y11

13) I used Y08 to emphasize the ringlets

14) Then, with E11 I apply little shadows to create more volume

15) Flowers has many different colours, this time I used RV10 for the petals

16) And B00 for the little flowers

17) With B12 I add depht

18) I decided to use also R81 for the base of the petals

19) I used R32 to then mix it with the final colour... 

20) and RV25 for the deepest part

Last steps are to add little details with colored ink pens. I also added few flowers as backgroung.

What about how to colour manga eyes? *_*  you will find here another tutorial about this subject: Tutorial, How to colour manga eyes

Thanks for visiting this tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it!

See you soon! (^o^)/


Suki Manga Art
