
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Copic Maintenance; Refill and Clean!

Hi Everyone, it's Faye here today :)

Anyone that has ever had a class with me will tell you how much I bang on about keeping your Markers clean and full! Aren't they lovely when they arrive at your house, not sticky, clean nibs and lids, full and juicy? And don't they colour smoothly because of it?!

I know we just want to get on with the important colouring stuff, but with a little time and care, your Copics will repay you by playing nicely.

So here's what I do with mine...
What you will need:

Dirty, sticky Markers (don't be shy, I know you have some!)
Copic Re-Inkers
Ear Buds
Yoghurt Pot (Eat the yoghurt first. Trust me on this one)
Scrap Paper

Here are some of my dirty Markers...

My C3 has a sticky nib too. This will cause me problems if I let it get worse...

So, let's get started. Firstly, I refill my Markers by taking the chisel nib out and adding a few drops of ink. Some people like to weigh the Marker, some people like to fill the Marker until the ink drops from the Brush end. I just add a few drops at a time and when the brush nib feels juicy, I stop...

Pour some Copic Cleaning Fluid into a clean, empty pot, enough to dunk the whole brush nib in...

Dunk the whole marker, including the brush nib, in the pot...

Give the Marker a really good swoosh around...

Remove the Copic from the pot and wipe the plastic areas with some tissue. You might need to repeat these two steps if your Marker is really gunky. Ssssh, I'm not looking...

Time for the Marker lid to get some lovin'. Pop it in the pot and give it a swoosh around...

Use the ear bud to get deep into the lid and then wipe with tissue...

Scribble on some scrap paper until the ink returns to the correct colour...

All finished...

Lovely clean and full Markers *happy sigh*

So, now you have no excuses. Look after your Markers and they will look after you!

Thanks so much for stopping by... Have a great day. 


  1. Hello i qas wondering if you could use your copic cleaner for this aswell. Or is it only for the marker and the marker lid?


  2. Hello i qas wondering if you could use your copic cleaner for this aswell. Or is it only for the marker and the marker lid?


  3. I've not had a problem using any of the Copic Fluids for this purpose xx

  4. Oh Faye, I really wish you'd mentioned cleaning to me!!! ;0)
    I've been a very good girl and done lots of housework.
    They're sparkling now! :0)
