
Monday, November 2, 2015

#greatful #loveyou

Hi Copic- friends! 

Elizabeth here today with Copic inspiration for you. I want to show you a card I made using the lovely Silver Fairy by Wee Stamps/Sylvia Zet. 

Papers are Maja Design. Dies by Spellbinders, Magnolia and Memory Box. Flowers by WOC.

I stamped with apricot coloured ink to get the no-lines effect. 
Copic colours used: 
Skin: E13-11-21-00, R20
Hair: E57-55-53-51-50
Dress: RV95-93-91, V000
Details: E43-41-40
Wings: W5-3-1-00

Here's a peek at the inside of the card too. 

Hope you like it!

Wishing you a colourful day! 

Crafty hugs, 


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