
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Colouring Crimped and Ethnic Hair

Hello everybody!
Franz here with a little tutorial for you all today :)
I chosen a pair of lovely Mo Manning's images to talk about the way I colour curly hair.
There are three different kinds of curly hair in my opinion: Curly, Crimped and Ethnic.
Today I want to have a look to the "Crimped" and the "Ethnic" ones.
Here is an image that shows you how I use the marker on these three differes cases:
To colour these two images I used about the same colour combo, but in different ways, so you can also see that you can use the same markers to obtain different effects.
The first image I chosen is Summer Fairy Finna.
First of all I couloured her skin up, since I think it's difficult to colour the hair without colouring skin first.
Finna has lovely crimped hair and I decided to colour them in light brown/blond tones.
1 - I started with a medium tone since I don't want the hair too dark:

2-  I added the darkest colour to give a little bit of depth:

3 - I blended with E15 again leaving some white spaces between the strokes for the highlights:

4-  Now I coloured the highlights with the lightest marker:
5 - Now I started with E18 again to add some more depth:

6- I blended with E15:
7- I added a little bit of colour to the highlights too:

8- Finally I added some more depth again on the darkest zones with a darker mark (E29):
10- Here is all the hair coloured up:
Now I have Fairy Tabia and her Ethnic Hair
I used the same technique (from dark to light) but starting with a darker colour since I want to have very dark hair for her.
1- I started with E18:
 2 - I blended with E15:

3- I blended a little bit again with E13 leaving some spaces between strokes to have some highlights:
4- I coloured the highlights with the lightest marker:
5- I started from the begin again to add some more depth...E18:
6- Blend with E15:
 7 - E13 and a little bit of E11 for the highlights:
 8 - Here I added some more depth with a darker marker, E29:
Thank you for your attention and sorry if I used too many pics :)
I hope this little tutorial can help you!
A big hug everybody,