
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Make up our characters

Hello all Copic fans and welcome back to visit this blog.
Here is Sandra from Italy and today I want to offer a tutorial to learn how to "color make up" the characters that we color.
When I color faces of adult characters, I like color even makeup of the protagonists of the stamp, to give more movement to the coloring and make real the scene.
What I propose today is my way to color of course, everyone can choose to customize as they see fit on their make up.
For this tutorial I chose the digital stamp "Pansy" Aurora Wings because the protagonist has a beautiful very  important face, and it is just perfect for my post.
This is the original stamp, as you can see has not drawn the side lines of the nose.
I really like to define the nose of the character because I find that gives more balance to the face.
So, as a first step, with the color E 000 trace the side lines of the nose in this way:
Once lines of the nose are defined,  with E 000 I color all over the face , deliberately ignoring the mouth and the arch of the eyelids because I came back later with make up.
Now I go with  E00 to darken the side areas of the face and the hairline
Now is  time for the blush!
Between these two colors I have to work fast enough to not let dry paper. This is because, if the paper were to dry, make it much more difficult to apply and blend color on the cheeks.
So now with the blush color E93 , I start from the cheekbones toward to the center of the cheeks .
Then in the upper area of the cheekbones, (near the ears) add a touch of E 95.
Now I need to make the uniform color, so with  E 000, smooth very gently near E 93 and cheeks.
Now  the coloration of the lips.
In this case you can see that there are already drawn lines  outline the lips.
These can help us in coloration.
Using the color R11 design the complete contour of the mouth.
The second color I use is R20, almost over to the previous.
Now the lipstick with the color R 22. I apply it only in the central area of the lips.
Then again with the R20 to fade the  R22 towards the outer corners of the mouth.

A bit of R 22 again
And at the end with R 20, leaving the central part of the lips deliberately clearer.
To color eyeshadow, I generally choose a color that I used to color some details of the character.
In this case, the digi is full of pansies that I will color later using BV family. So even eye makeup will have the same shadow.
In these photos  colors used are a bit stronger than the ones I used in the final color (Copic list at the end of post).
This in order to see more clearly the different steps of the coloring.
I used the color BV0000 to color the whole area above the eyes.
Then with the color BV 01 trace the darker areas in the eye and in the corners of the eyelids.
With  BV 000 smooth the two colors.
Now BV 01 again
Then finally, blend with  BV000 .
Sorry I have not the last picture because the battery of my camera has left me at least step..LOL ...
And finally this is my card:
Copic used:
Skin: E000-00-01-11-93-95   R11-20-22
Eyes: G20-24 BV 0000-000-01
Hair: E 41-42-43-44-47
Violet: BV000-01-02-13
Butterfly: Y00-06-38 YR04-09
Leaves:G20- 24-28
See you soon, hugs


  1. that's geotgus, love it and thanks for the tips ;)

  2. Gorgeous, love the step by step, thanks so much for sharing. Lovely design and colour combo xx

  3. wow..This is stunning! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial.
