
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Christmas gift for a new daddy- creating a scene with copics

Hi copic friends, Elizabeth here today to share some Copic love!
I want to show you an album I altered to create a special Christmas gift for my sister to give to her hubby. They are going to celebrate their baby's first christmas and she wanted to give him a special album. She chose this lovely Mo Manning image (and the pink designpapers...lol), and I had lots of fun creating a whole scene using my Copic Markers. I wanted to make them walk the journey of life together. I put a poem about that inside the cover. 

Here's my album. I printed the image in a bigger size to cover the front page. I used just a few dies to decorate so the image could be in focus. The sentiment says: To the best daddy in the world! 

The image is "Father and daughter" by Mo's digital pencil. 
I googled the words "man walking on road" on google images, and I found a picture to use for inspiration (not copy, just for inspiration to help me with the lines in the image). I draw a few lines using a pencil to create the road and the scenery, very lightly not to ruin my marker nibs. 
Picture borrowed from dreamstime.com

I used different shades of green to create depth in the picture. And I used my W's to make mountains in the background. To create the grass and ground i used the dotting technique in many shades of green on the grass and E 30-35 to create a sense of movement and depth.  

Copics used:
Skin: E13-11-21-000
Hair, shoes, belt, road: E37-35-33-31-30
Dress, flowers: E889-85-83-81
T-shirt: W7-3-1-00
Pants: B99-97-95-93-91
Grass: G99-94-82-46-43-40-21, YG67-03
Mountains: W7-5-3-1-00
Sky: B60, C1, W00

I had lots of fun creating this scene, I have never done this before, but I think it turned out okay. So my advice is: Don't be afraid to try!

Hope you got inspired to play with your markers! 

Crafty hugs, 


  1. WOW! That scene is absolutely stunning! It is so "realistic" looking and I think
    you could call it just pure talent. Fantabulous!


    1. Hi Eemli, thank you so much! Hope you got inspired to try it out yourself. Hugs Elizabeth

  2. So beautiful is your card and gorgeous image coloured to perfection too!

  3. Wow! I am speechless. This is so beteautiful. Keep up the good work.

    -xiss- Renate.
