
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Changes in the Copic family

Hello Copic-fans,
recently we had our annual Copic Convention in the headquarters of Holtz GmbH in Wiesbaden. 
The ones who are following some of our DT members on Facebook did already have seen ad read, how inspirational en fun it was. 
On Tuesday we tought the ECCP to the new Instructors to be, on Wednesday we held the Instructor class. After that class we proudly can announce that the Copic Family has 4 newbies. On the picture belove you see them , they hold the Certificate in their hands.

From the left to the right: Lis Nemeth from Austria , Faye Wynn-Jones from the UK, Francesca Franz from Italy and Sandra Catarino from Portugal.
I want to welcome this great ladies and wish them a lot of success, if you want to take classes with them, you find  all the Instructors-information on the top of this blog.

On Thursday we had our get together with all the Instructors that were able to attend, a lot of discussions and a ver nice break: a citytour in an old train, around the beautiful town of Wiesbaden.
On Friday there were some special classes, in new topics. you will hear about that when we are ready to publish it.

The lady in the middle is our Norwegian Instructor Siv Andersen , she will take over the chairman ship of the Instructorgroup from me, Diny Sprakel. I have all the confidence in her, she will lead this group very well.
I am not stopping with my Copic activities, only giving the baton of the chairman ship to Siv.
You will find me as administrator of this blog, as demonstrator on shows and as co-founder of the ECCP.
Dear Siv good luck, I will support you as much as I can.

There are also some changes in the DT of this blog.
Nadya Knops or Yunu Yei will leave the team and we can say welcome  to Sarit Sabbag, the Israelian Instructor and Faye Wynn-Jones the new UK Instructor.
Both will introduce themself in the first blogpost.

So, that was a whole lot of information, I want to thank you for all your visits to our blog.
with kind regards

Diny Sprakel
Administrator CME blog

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