
Sunday, August 31, 2014

How to make deep folds

Hello everyone!
It's Vili here today and I want to show you my way of making deep contrasting folds.
As you've may already noticed I use from really dark to really light shades. I colour pretty confidently without worrying for the final result.
I chose Mo's Alisa With Roses because her dress is suitable for my aims. I coloured the skin. the hair and the basket beforehand and now I'm starting with the detailed explanations:

I'm thinking of making the dress in the pink-purple range so I chose these colours:

I always start with the lightest colour in order to 'wet' the place I'm colouring:

After that I mark the places where the folds are with the darkest colour: 

I continue with a lighter tone:

And a lighter one:

With the lightest colour I fill the most protruding sections:

If I think a place should become lighter, I slightly touch it with the Colorless Blender. These are mostly the sectors with many folds, like the one around the waist: 

After I have finished colouring the picture I put a contour. Here I don't mind about the direction of light and don't look for the places with the most thick shadows. I try to make the picture look more contrasting on the main background. I place contour all around the image:

I  put in some darker tones:

Then comes a careful 'washing' of the two colours with the lightest grey:

And the picture is ready:

And this is the card which I made with this image:

Have a lovely day and thanks for stopping by!

Vili  xxxx

Copics used:
Skin: Е 000, E11, E51, E93
Hair: E31, E33, E35, E37, E29
 Clothes: RV10, RV63, RV66, RV69
 Shadows: W0, W3, W5


  1. Ohhh Vili so so beautiful. I love your colouring and the girls beautiful face. The cheek bones, around the eyes and lips, so wonderful. Of course the dress and all the shadows. Such a beautiful card

  2. Thank you Vili!
    Love your coloring!
    Hugs Nela

  3. You are such a great colouring artist, thanks for sharing this pretty step by step colouring. The image and colour choice is soo pretty too.
    Hugs Blankina

  4. I can stare at your cards for ages. Beautiful :)

  5. Awesome!....thanks for sharing!
    xxx Margreet

  6. Love this tutural i will try it

    Thank you for scharing


  7. This is so beautiful and thank you for sharing this x

  8. Thank you for this inspiring tutorial!

  9. totally great colouring love your tut. thank you

  10. Beautiful, thank you for this tutorial.
