
Monday, August 4, 2014

combine your copics with

I can't believe it's August already...time flies fast. But as promised this month a lilttle tutorial from me.
This month I want to tell you something about combining your COPIC with another medium like colour pencils, pan pastels or watercolours. 

I started colouring with my COPIC markers quite recently(since December 2013) and I love them eversince. But the one thing I really missed was the combination of my COPIC with e.g. watercolours or colouring pencils. Normally you need different paper for each medium you're using. Your COPIC paper can handle colour pencils or pan pastels (all thought it might be a bit to smooth) but it can't handle a lot of water. Average colouring paper is good for pencils and pan pastels but it soaks up the ink of the  COPIC markers and they won't blend so nicely anymore. A problem for a girl like me, who likes to combine different media in just one project. 

Well problem solved if you buy this wonderful paper by canson. It's ideal for markers, pencil, ink and watercolour. It can handle a lot of water and your  COPIC markers blend perfectly. 

In this stamp by Sweet Pea, I used watercolours in the background and coloured the image with my COPIC markers. For the finishing touch I used colouring pencils too. 

In this stamp, also by Sweet Pea, I combined my COPIC markers with pan pastels. Everthing in the foreground is coloured with the COPIC markers. The background including the ferns, leaves and flowers is coloured with pan pastels. This way you'll get a soft less vived background and a bright image. I really love the contrast between soft and bright.

The background is made with stamps and pan pastels. The embellishments are all coloured with COPIC markers in the same colours as I used for colouring the image. 

used  COPIC colours are:
E000,00,09,11,15, 21,25,29
YR07,14, 15, 16, 18, 23
Y0000,11, 19, 21
YG0000,03,23, 25
C3, 5

if you have any question about the techniques or papers, leave me a comment 
have a fabulous day


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this tipp, Miranda! I'm already using this paper for watercoloring and I really love it for this purpose. But without your post I'd never have used it for my Copics. Now I will definitley give it a try! Thanks so much.
