
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Barbara feat. Zeolith - Colouring Nature

 Hello dear Copic Fans, 
today would have been my turn (Barbara) to show you something inspirational, but I hurt my right hand and am not able to colour, so I want you to meet one of our talented guest-designers at the Copic Marker Deutschland Blog:
She is a genuine artist, because she skethes the images herself. She made a very nice tutorial about natural colouring and I want to share it with you: 


 Today, I show you an image that is much more reallistic as the ones you know me for, but so I can show you how versatile Copic Marker are.

For drawing the image I did not use Multiliners, because they would have made too strong a contrast. That's why I used a very fine pencil. Take care to use a very hard pencil, because it produces less abraison and does not spoil  the Copic nibs so easily.

I use R08 as basic colour for the feathers, it is a strong orange-red tone.
As usual, I just work it out roughly. You don't have to be afraid to do so, it will be blended later to a smooth surface.

 As second colour I use R46, a strong colour, and blend both reds together.
 I add some accents with R46 and will work them out later.

Now I use W3 and W5, they are great to soften the red and give more dimension. I work on the single feathers this way:

Add W5 to the tipps ad blend it with W3. So you create a soft blending.
I used W3 and W5 for the darker parts of the beak and the feet. 

On the second picture I added an even deeper shadow with W7 and W5.
So the bird is finished, now I have to colour the twig it is sitting on. To make them look as realistic as possible, I work the other way round. 
So I start with the darkest parts and blend them with lighter tones. I use E44 and E43 as basis and blended with E42. Then I add E70 and E71 to the  thinner twigs. For the leaves I only used E70 and E71.

The berries were coloured with the same Copic Markers as the feathers, but without the greys. The background is B91 and C00. 
On this ACEO card I use additional colour pens to work out the single feathers with black and the twigs with brown.

I finish with some white dots for a snowy touch.

So here comes my card!

Material used:

Feathers: R08 / R46 / W3 / W5 / W7
Legs: W3 / W5
Twigs: E 44 / E43 / E42 / E70 / E71
Leaves: E70 / E71
Background: B91 / C00

Hopefully I encouraged to to try realistic colouring of animals!
Best Wishes Zeolith!

Adorable tutorial, isn't it? I only contributed the translation, but as Zeolith is guest of my team, I am a bit proud, too.
Big Hugs


  1. fabulous colouring, those cardinal birds are so pretty aren't they

  2. Absolutly fantastic!!
    Thank you for sharing!!
    Hugs Juanita

  3. "WOW" Truly beautiful is this and thank you for sharing it x

  4. Phantastisch!
    Vielen Dank für die genaue Anleitung, das macht mir Mut, es auch einmal mit größeren Bildern zu versuchen.
    Liebe Grüße - Andrea

  5. Wooow! What a fab and realistic colouring Zeolith! Thank you for joining us with your stunning work!

    Hugs, Franz.

  6. Wow Barbara, fabulous colour work.
    Hugs Tracy x

  7. Lately I've been loving a really naturalistic, soft line work. Using grey instead of black givest the red colour a great pop. I'm always happy to see lovely original lines as well as realistic Copic art. :> Best wishes from the Finnish Copic blog~
