
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tutorial on colouring folds...

♥ Hi there Copic friends 

Åsa here today with a tutorial on how I colour folds.
* so Im warning for a picture heavy post *

Im using a stamp from Make it Crafty, and Im using my Copic colours B97-95-93-91.

The first thing I do is to choose where my light source comes from.
Then I start with two to three folds at a time, and I always start with my lightest colour.
I do this because it gives me a guideline on how my shadows should be, and it´s easy to correct if it doesn´t feel right, just because Im using the lightest one.

In the next step I go in with my darkest colour, just on the darkest areas.
I also tries to follow the lines in the dress/folds to make it look natural.

With my next colour Im overblending the transition from the darkest colour. I do not colour over the whole dark area, just the transition! And do not colour to far with those dark colours. Then the whole area tends to be all to dark in the end...

In the next step I use my second brightest colour and work it the same way, just over the transition. If you work it this way you are going to get very smooth and soft transitions between the different layers/shades.

And for the 'final' step i use the lightest colour and use the same technique, and colour out the rest of the area.

Well, you could descide to stop here and be satisfied with the result.
But I wan´t more depth in my image, so I do it all over again.

I start with the darkest colour again. Be careful and don´t go to far with your darkest ones.
We wan´t to keep a broad spectrum from light to dark.
So you don´t want it to be all dark.

Then I continue the same way with the next one.
You still need to be a little careful, not going to far.

Then the second brightest, and not all the way.
Remember to work only the transitions between the layers for nice and smooth blending.

And finally the lightest one, and work out the rest of the area.

Now you can see a more smooth and wide result, with more depht.
Now Im satisfied and moving on to the next one...

I start the same way as the first ones, with my lightest colour, to guide myself.
Remember that you need a little shading on both sides on this fold.
But you need more dark on the right side, due to your light source.

Then I move on with my darkest colour, being all a little careful again.

Here I have moved on with my second darkest.
At the same way, working over those transitions, and not going to far.
You can also see that Im trying to keep those shades a little smaller on the left side.

And moving on to the next one.
Not all the way.

And 'finally' the lightest colour to fill out the rest of the area.

But, as before, Im not really satisfied here...

...so Im doing it all over again.
Just in the same way.
But remember to be careful with those dark ones.

If you compare the two pictures above, you can really see the difference between them, and the effect the last layers gives.

Now just continue the same way with the rest of the folds.
Go in and guide with your lightest colour...

...and then continue with the rest of the colours.

And then finally finish them all.

And here are the final image - all coloured up.
Hope you like it.

Here are all the Copics I´ve used:
Skin: E11-21-00-000-R20-11
Hair: E47-44-43-42-41
Bird: N6-4-2-1
Clothes: B97-95-93-91 / V95-93-91

If there are any questions, or something you don´t understand, just ask me in the comments and I will try to answer.

♥ Happy colouring 


  1. Its awsome, thank you for showing the tutorial....the way you done it is a new way to me and makes a lot of sense to me...I will surely try that. Pleads always tease me. Thank you Again :)
    Pialine xxx

  2. This is amazing and you really brought this image to life. Thanks for the tutorial.
    Hugs Sue W.

  3. Gorgeous! Thanks for the clear explanation
    Regards Helen

  4. Hi Asa, what a great explanation, it looks so easy when you do it. I saw you work in Wiesbaden, so easy and quick. Now every Copic lover can try the folds.
    Thanks, Diny

  5. Thank you so much for this tutorial!!
    Finally I understand it well!!!
    Now I can practice!!

  6. Thank you for this wonderful explanation! I will defenately try this!

  7. Asa your tutorial is amazing, many thanks. Going to try it ! Thanks Joyce

  8. Thank you so much.
    Regards from Holland,

  9. love this tutorial!! cannot wait to try it..going to save it on my computer..Thanks again!!

  10. Great tutorial Asa. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Wooow! Fab tutorial Asa and gorgeous colouring as always!

    Thanks for sharing :)

    Hugs, Franz.

  12. FABULOUS tutorial!!! thanks so much:)

  13. Thank you so much for the tutorial! Your coloring is just beautiful!
