
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A New Beginning

Hello copic fans!

It's Keren here today sharing a new Copic inspiration with you.

 I came across this quote a few days ago
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”.
I liked it a lot
cause it reflects my thoughts during the past days
So I thought to myself
I have to make a card out of it.

I used Going Up by mo's digital pencil
 and here it is...

copics used
Ballon: R0000, R00, R02, R20, R22, R24, R27
Skin: E0000, E00, E01, E11
Hair: E50, E53, E55, E57
Dress: R22, R24, W0, W3, W5, W7

 and if you were wondering there's a sequel...
"So if your feeling uncomfertable right now, 
know that the change taking place in your life
is a begining not an ending."
here's for a great new beginnings



  1. This is wonderful Keren! I just LOVE it :)

  2. Beautiful card, Keren! It's always nice to see your posts here :)

  3. This is so adorable and such a sweet image your card is amazing and beautifully presented xx

  4. Wow! Please Keren, tell me how did you make the background!!! It's fantastic....Love the sequel too :)

    Stunning creation!

    Hugs, Franz.

  5. A great card, beautiful coloring and I love the text - soo true:)
    Hugs Kjersti:)
