
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Reader's mini travel organizer

Hello dear all Copic friends,
Cinzia here, today I’d like to share with you a new project  I made for Copic Marker Europe blog.
This  time I work on something different from a card, I made a “Reader's mini  travel organizer”, a little present  for a person that really love reading. :)

I covered two square pieces of heavy cardboard with patterned paper and then I decorated  the top side with a Magnolia image called “Tilda writing diary”, the image is masked with a writing backgroung stamp.
Then I added flowers, a string of pearls, a resin decoration by Melissa Frances  and the dies are by Magnolia “Leaf and swirls” die and by  Cheery Lynn “French Pastry dolily” die.

 Here is a close up of the colored image:

A close up of the inner side, there are some useful things for a reader:
from left a pocket light, a “credit card” magnifying glass, a small highlighting pen, a little memo book with a pen.

And now a close up of some details…
Inside the resin frame I put a piece of patterned paper  covered with crackle paint, and the magnifying glass is hung with a hinge clips by Tim Holtz and decorated with two charms.

Copic  Markers:
Skin: E0000, R000, E00, R00, E21, E11, E13
Hair:  E 40, E41, E70, E71, E79
Dress and socks:  Rv000, R81, R83, R85 – C00, C2, C5, C7
Feather: W00, W1, W3 -  E25

Hope you like this project ,thank you very much for your visit and for your lovely comments.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend :) :)


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Beautiful. Stunning detail and design.

  3. Waw ths looks really gorgeous! hugs! Mojca

  4. What a good idea!!!Beautyful work :)
    Hugs from Siv

  5. Cinzia Complimenti!!
    It is so pretty love all details..

    HUgs Blankina

  6. What a wonderful project Cinzia, molto originale!

    Thanks for sharing, hugs, Franz.

  7. What a gorgeous project Cinzia, love the idea!
    Hugs kjersti:)

  8. Gorgeous project, the design is fantastic! Hugs Delphine xx

  9. Cinzia, i love your cards, always great fun to see a new project of yours.
