
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Cicci; candy cane and light source

Hi Everyone.
I hope you all have a great time.
Cicci here, today I would like to show how I coloured this cute image,
called Candy Elf Helpers, from Make it Crafty.
I going to show you a tip to see the lightsource and How I coloured the brown Candy Cane. 

I have used these Copic Markers:
Skin: E50 51 53 04 11 13 R20 22 R01
Green Clothes: YG93 95 97 99 
The little one
Red Clothes: R14 24 27 39 35 89
Bell: Y26 68 Y21 Y00
Hair:  E50 51 53 YR31 
Eyes: Y21 E23 27
Brown on Jumper and shoes: E23 25 27 
Candy Cane: E23 25 27 29 49 18 39 Y000 02 
The oldest boy
Hair: E43 44 53 57 59 11
 Green:: YG93 95 97 99 
Brown: E27 23 25 Y21 
Eyes: G29 20 Y000
Golden Pants: Y26 28 Y00 Y21
Forest and Sky: B99  B97 95  B000 93 39  B00  
Snow: B00 000 BG10 BG11 B45 41 60
Houses: E44 47 49
Window Light: Y00  Y21
Moon: E71 70 E000 51 Y21  Y000 V000 B000 00
White Posca Pen for the snow 

The Light source is from the moon, which I have drawn.
I lay down two pens from the direction of the moon. This is the way I see where I'm going to put my light on the images.
 (I have used Yellow for the light here.)

I colour the Candy Cane this way.

 Add E29.

Add E25 on the E29.

 Then I add some E27.
I let one side of the candy cane stay white, there I want to add some yellow colours after I have blended out the brown colours.

Then I add some E36  and E18 on the other colours. Blend out with  E99 and E23.

Add Y02 and blend with Y000.
 Feather the yellow and the brown together.
 I use E23 and Y000 00 02 for this.

 I add one more layer of E29 25 23 on the area were I started to colour in Step One.
 I finish with E23 on top of the Candy Cane, because there will be no light  from the moon there and I want it darker on that area. 
I finish, by adding E49 to get a little more depth in the colouring and crossing the whole candy cane  with Y000 to smooth out the yellow and brown.

DONE ;0))

Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you here at the Copic Europa Blog again



  1. Love the tutorial! Cicci is so talented and I'm excited to see a tutorial from her on your blog!

  2. Awww thank you so much Katrina!! So Happy that you like the post Here at Copic Europa Blog!!! HUGS to you
    Cicci :0))
